
This guide will walk through the process of designing a questionnaire in the Ask tool.


A questionnaire will be sent over the survey channels to respondents. There are two types of questions: Multiple choice and Numeric. You can configure both question types to have "validation rules" that require valid responses and valid ranges. You can also configure skip logic, which automatically guides respondents to a particular question based on their answers. You can define each question with a variable name that will save the answer under that name and be subsequently visible in the Respondents section.

Questionnaires in Ask can also accommodate multiple languages.

Key Concepts:

  • Types of questions: There are two types of questions: numeric and multiple choice. Numeric questions are suitable for questions that require a numerical answer, such as "What is your age?". Multiple choice questions ask respondents to select one of several pre-defined responses.
  • Skip logic: This determines what question a respondent will answer next based on how they answered the previous question. You can also skip people to the end of a survey based on logical sequences and required parameters.
  • Validation rules: For both types of questions, validation rules can be defined to determine valid answers. In multiple choice questions, valid responses can be added along with setting a skip logic. For numeric questions, a valid range can also be set by[ defining a maximum and minimum value.
  • Variable names: You can define a name in each question to save the answer under that specific variable. This name will later appear in the data file.


  1. Open a Project already created in (requires login).
  2. Select the Questionnaires tab.
  3. Click on the green plus (+) button to create a new Questionnaire.
  4. Add a title to the new Questionnaire by clicking on the Untitled text.
  5. Select a Mode (short message service (SMS)/phone call).
  6. Add another language, if desired.
  7. Add a Step to add a question.
  8. Add a title to the untitled question.
  9. Add a text to the SMS messages.
  10. Interactive voice response (IVR) messages: Define text (for text-to-speech - English only) or upload an audio.
  11. For multiple choice steps, add the response options. The name of the response is the text you want to store for each choice. You will then be prompted to list the response options that will be stored.
  12. Add the expected value for each response. For example, you can define the value "Y" for the response "Yes". This is where enumerated options can be included.
  13. Skip logic: Here you can define a custom path through the survey that varies based on a respondent’s answers. You can select "Next question", "End survey", or select a particular step in order to skip respondents to a future question.
  14. Add a variable name to the step. The name of the variable is the text that will be shown when exporting results.

The Questionnaire is automatically saved. It will appear listed in the Questionnaire table and also when a Survey is created within that Project.

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