The Surveda tool is accessed over the internet through a web browser.  The primary purpose of the tool is to collect survey data via SMS and phone calls. Future versions of this tool will include mobile web and CATI as additional modes of data collection. As shown in Figure 1, the survey design process consists of creating a project, creating questionnaires, and setting survey protocols. Then, a user configures and deploys the SMS/IVR surveys through channels set up with Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). Respondents receive and respond to surveys using their mobile phones and their data are sent to the tool and stored securely.

Figure 1. Functions of Surveda

Create Project

The first step in this process is to create a new project. A project houses surveys or data collection efforts and is a place to store and execute surveys as well as questionnaires, and translations. In a single project (e.g., NCD), a user may have multiple surveys - for example, separate surveys on diet, physical activity, and alcohol use. 

Create Questionnaire

The questionnaire contains the questions, translations, responses, and logic. Users create questionnaires tailored for SMS and IVR modes using the questionnaire designer, which is an interactive online form built into the Surveda tool. Surveda is able to upload and deploy questionnaires in multiple languages specific to each country. Questionnaires can be saved, copied and reused across multiple surveys within a project. By default, questionnaires use English as the primary language, but the default language can be changed as needed.

Design and Start Survey

Using the interactive, step-by-step tool, users can design the survey by creating the questionnaire, uploading the sample, setting days and times for sending invitations to potential respondents, selecting the survey mode (e.g., SMS, phone calls, or both).

Monitor Survey Progress

Monitoring the survey progress allows users to view how the survey is progressing. Surveda shows the status of all invitations currently sent, including the number of completed interviews, partial interviews, and other types of non-response (e.g., call failed, refusal). This process allows for survey managers to gauge the overall performance of the survey as well as to estimate how long the survey will take to complete.

Export Results

The survey platform offers multiple ways to export survey data.  Currently, all exports are available in a comma delimited (CSV) format, which can be imported into a wide range of data analytic tools such as Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and most statistical software packages.

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