The following are basic terms and concepts associated with the Surveda.
Channel: A communication channel, or simply channel, refers to the connection made with a mobile network operator (MNO) or aggregator to send out SMS messages or phone calls. A channel is always associated with a single phone number.
Cutoff Rules: Are included in the tool as an option to address non-response sample size adjustments. Based on the required sample size, Surveda can halt the survey administration. If you don't select any, the survey will be sent to all respondents.
Experiment: A comparison of two scenarios to evaluate success (i.e., response rate, data quality, etc.).
Incentive: A token of appreciation provided to a survey respondent for completing a questionnaire.
Fallback: A secondary mode of communication that will be implemented if the primary is not successful in reaching the user.
Mode: A way or manner in which a survey is delivered or is experienced by a respondent (e.g., SMS, IVR, mobile web, etc.). Each mode has unique advantages and disadvantages researchers should consider before selecting the best format to implement a survey.
Project: A collection of surveys and questionnaires to which a group of users have access.
Questionnaire: A flow of questions, response options, and logic, with the supporting content text and audio messages to be sent to potential respondents.
Quotas: The minimum number of completed results for specific categories such as age or gender.
Respondent: An individual from the sample that participates in the survey, answering at least one question from the questionnaire.
Sample: A list of mobile phone numbers used to select respondents to participate in the survey.
SMS: Short Message Service, a text messaging service component of most telephone and mobile telephony systems.
Survey: The administration of a questionnaire using mobile phone numbers in order to collect data.