
You can export survey data from the Surveda tool to calculate survey weights as well as data analysis. Surveda supports three file types:

  1. Survey Response File: A file containing the survey responses, with one record for each respondent.

  2. Disposition History File: A file containing a full history of disposition codes for each respondent over time.

  3. Complete Call Record: A file that contains a complete record of all actions for each phone number.

  4. Completed Case File: A file containing the phone numbers of completed cases. Typically, you use this file to process incentives.

Each file type is available for download in a comma-delimited value (CSV) format, a common file format for use with applications such as Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and statistical packages including Stata, R, or EpiInfo. The following sections describe these file types in more detail.

Survey Response File

The survey response file includes a row for each respondent and columns for each of the questions. This is a convenient format for conducting analysis on the response values along with the final case disposition.

The Survey Response file includes the following information:

  • Respondent ID: A unique identifier for the respondent. Note that this is not the phone number. The phone number is not included in the file to protect respondent privacy.

  • Survey Data: Each column contains data from a separate question. The column header is the variable name you enter during the questionnaire design. The values are the actual responses the questionnaire designer defines, not the value that the respondent entered through Short Message Service or Interactive Voice Response. To make analysis easier for multilingual surveys, the value of the exported response is the same for every language.

  • Response Timestamp: The date and time when each response was received by the Surveda tool, as Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).

Final Disposition: The final disposition code for the particular respondent. See Table 1 for examples.

Table 1. Example Survey Response File

Respondent ID















Disposition History File

The disposition history file contains a row for each interim disposition code and final disposition code assigned for each respondent. This file format is useful for tracking how an individual respondent interacts with the tool.

Table 2 lists the supported disposition codes.

Table 2. Disposition Codes in Surveda

Disposition Code



In the sample, not yet contacted


Contacted and participant actively responding to survey


Contacted, but not replying


Unable to contact


Contacted all questions in the survey


Contacted and completed up to a specific question (if configured by the questionnaire designer)


Not met eligibility requirements as configured by the questionnaire designer.

As shown in Table 3, file format includes the following columns:

  • MPN: The mobile number of the respondent.

  • Disposition Code: A standard code to describe the state of the case.

  • Mode: The mode used (SMS/phone call).

  • Timestamp: The timestamp of the event as UTC.

Table 3. An Example of the Disposition History File


Respondent hash





 No answer

Phone call

 2016-11-14 09:45:11 UTC




 2016-11-15 15:56:39 UTC




 2016-11-15 15:57:39 UTC

Interactions File

The Interactions audit file is the complete record of all actions for each phone number. It includes everything from the disposition history file (see above), but with additional metadata. This file includes metadata, or data describing the response, of each response and corresponding contact attempt and mode.

The columns included in the file are:

  1. Respondent ID: A unique ID for the respondent. As in the other files, this ID is hashed.

  2. Mode: The mode used.

  3. Channel: The phone number of the channel used to execute the call.

  4. Disposition: The disposition of the case after this action.

  5. Action Type: Contact Attempt/Question/Response

  6. Action Data: Depending on the action type this column contains the following:

    1. Contact Attempt: Success or failed, along with the reason

    2. Question: The name of the question

    3. Response: The value of the response

  7. Timestamp: The date and time when the action started.

Respondent ID
Action Type Action Data Timestamp

Contact Attempt Answer 2017-04-18 19:00:50 UTC

Prompt Age 2017-04-18 19:01:13 UTC
Partial Response 25 2017-04-18 19:01:45 UTC


The Incentive file includes just the phone numbers of the cases that have completed. The primary purpose of this file is to process incentives. See Table 5.

Table 5. Completed Case File

Mobile Phone Number